Award Winner
Rossi Schreiber
for her pioneering work and a great adventure as a comics publisher
Laudatio: The first obstacle the publishing house of Verlag Schreiber & Leser (writer & reader in German) had to overcome was the authorities. The first contracts had hardly been signed when they asked about the partner Leser. Now what? There were three entries for the name “Leser” in the Munich telephone book and a veterinarian was chosen to become a notarially certified partner – for exactly five minutes, until everything was in officially approved order. So Verlag Schreiber & Leser was officially born in March 1980 and the great adventure could begin.
“Das große Abenteuer” (“The Great Adventure”) is also the title of the first comic album by Milo Manara that Verlag Schreiber & Leser released in 1980 and the name is synonymous with the publisher’s program. “Das große Abenteuer” was the first comic album in Germany that carried the subtitle “comics novel”, long before anyone was speaking about “graphic novels”: Rossi Schreiber had worked at Econ as a proofreader before she founded her own publishing house, so she had extensive publishing experience as well as literary standards – standards that were completely new in comics publishing at that time. More Manara publications followed and the final breakthrough happened in 1985, when the first –
of many – titles by Jacques de Loustal, “Verwüstete Herzen” (“Hearts of Sand”), was published and became a big hit.
Since then, Verlag Schreiber & Leser has been an indispensable part of the German comics landscape and the list of artists and authors they have discovered for us is highly impressive. Rossi Schreiber is the heart of the publishing house, from the first day until the present day, even if she – as is her style – always prefers to stay in the background and doesn’t make a big fuss about herself. But it is definitely Rossi’s personal signature that is visible, not only in an ambitious publishing program, but also in the high quality of each title’s publication, which can definitely not be taken for granted.
The “Max und Moritz” jury is honouring Rossi Schreiber with the Special Jury Prize for her great adventure as a comics publisher because of her quiet but enormously influential dedication, her courageous pioneering work and more than 30 years of tireless and intrepid publishing work.
Lifetime Achievement Award
Best German comic book
Packeis by Simon Schwartz avant-verlag
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Best international comic book
Gaza by Joe Sacco Translation: Christoph Schuler
Edition Moderne
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Best comic strip
Schöne Töchter by Flix Der Tagesspiegel
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Best comic book for children
Das tapfere Prinzlein und die sieben Zwergbären by Émile Bravo Translation: Ulrich Pröfrock
Carlsen Verlag
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Best student comic publication
Ampel Magazin by Anja Wicki, Luca Bartulovic and Andreas Kiener
Hochschule Luzern – Design & Kunst
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Special jury prize
Rossi Schreiber for her pioneering work and a great adventure as a comics publisher
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Audience Award
Grablicht by Daniela Winkler Droemer Knaur
The 25 titles nominated for the “Max und Moritz“-Award 2012
Alois Nebel by Jaroslav Rudiš and Jaromír 99 Translation: Eva Profousová
Verlag Voland & Quist
Alte Meister by Nicolas Mahler adapted from Thomas Bernhard
Suhrkamp Verlag
Annas Paradies by Daniel Schreiber Splitter Verlag
Asterios Polyp by David Mazzucchelli Translation: Thomas Pletzinger
Eichborn Verlag
Aufzeichnungen aus Jerusalem by Guy Delisle Translation: Martin Budde
Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott Translation: Michael Bregel
Bulls Press / Achterbahn im Lappan Verlag
Castro by Reinhard Kleist Carlsen Verlag
Das tapfere Prinzlein und die sieben Zwergbären by Émile Bravo Translation: Ulrich Pröfrock
Carlsen Verlag
Dédé – Eriks Detektiv Deschamps by Erik Epsilon Verlag
> nominated by the audience
Der Mann, der seinen Bart wachsen ließ by Olivier Schrauwen Translation: Helge Lethi
Der Staub der Ahnen by Felix Pestemer avant-verlag
Die Ballade von Seemann und Albatros by Nick Hayes Translation: Henning Ahrens
Essex County by Jeff Lemire Translation: Thomas Schützinger
Edition 52
Fennek by Lewis Trondheim and Yoann Translation: Kai Wilksen
Fünftausend Kilometer in der Sekunde by Manuele Fior Translation: Maya della Pietra
Gaza by Joe Sacco Translation: Christoph Schuler
Edition Moderne
Grablicht by Daniela Winkler Droemer Knaur
> nominated by the audience
Haarmann by Peer Meter and Isabel Kreitz Carlsen Verlag
Lou! by Julien Neel Translation: Thomas Schöner
Packeis by Simon Schwartz avant-verlag
Pluto by Naoki Urasawa, adapted from Osamu Tezuka Co-author: Takashi Nagasaki, translation: Jürgen Seebeck Carlsen Verlag
Riekes Notizen by Barbara Yelin Frankfurter Rundschau
Schöne Töchter by Flix Der Tagesspiegel
Summer Wars by Mamoru Hosoda, Iqura Sugimoto and Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Translation: Nadine Stutterheim
Carlsen Verlag
The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn Translation: Marc-Oliver Frisch
Cross Cult
> nominated by the audience